Monday, May 24, 2010


Long time, no blog! Sorry about's mostly that I've been selfishly enjoying Julian's everyday cuteness instead of searching for my camera and SD card every time an adorable moment pops up (which, let's be honest, with this kid is all.the.time.)

We got a pool and a sprinkler for the backyard and have been spending every sunny moment playing in the water the last week or so. It gets a little hot for preggo here, but J shares his pool and lets me keep my feet in while he plays.

And aside from the usual blowing bubbles, splashing like a madman, drinking the pool water, and sliding down his Little Tikes slide into the water, Julian has also already used it as a bathroom. Mitch was so disappointed when I told him that no, I was not going to put the video he made of J's "sea cucumber" on the blog. You can thank me later. (Although I'll admit it is hilarious.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day today -- Daddy and Julian made it very special for me.

Mitch got up first with J and got him ready and dressed (in his "I Love Mom" shirt) and made me coffee while I lazed around in bed this morning. Then I got to open so many presents it seemed like Christmas! My favorite part was the cute card from Julian and his baby sister...they dictated the sweetest message for Daddy to write in it.

Me and my babies

And here's a quick video of Julian helping me out on my special day...

I'm a very lucky Mommy and feel so blessed to have such a precious little boy, my little girl on the way, and the best husband a girl could ask for. (Not to mention a great Mom of my own!)

Monday, May 3, 2010

At the Zoo

The Sweetest Little Boy

Sometimes my Julian can be just the sweetest little thing.

Like last night, when he was crying in the middle of the night (Teething? Bad dream? Who knows?) and I went in to hold him. As I hefted him out of his crib and balanced him on my belly, he laid his head on my shoulder, wrapped his little arms around me, and started patting my back.

After some snuggle time, I laid him back down and covered him up and as I smiled and cooed at him like he was still a tiny baby, he just grinned ear to ear up at me, rolled over and closed his eyes.


Or when he gets hurt while playing, and he'll drop everything and come to me with his hand stretched out for a kiss to make it all better. And once I bestow said magical healing kiss, he's back off to the next book or toy in his busy little schedule.

And even though he doesn't say much yet, when I say "I love you Julian. Do you love Mommy?" -- the way he nods his head so enthusiastically makes me know he'd tell me just how much if he could.

Or the sneak-attack hugs he loves to give if I'm on the floor with him and my back is turned. I'll be picking up toys and all of a sudden I feel his little cheek resting against my back and his arms around me, all while emitting a contented little "mmmmm".

I love this kid.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Potty Party!

Well, we brought home a little potty chair for Julian the other day. We're not planning to push potty training on him or even try to get him to use it anytime soon...but since he has shown interest in the big potty, we thought he could start to get used to his own. He has been letting us know when he's wet or poopy and likes to help flush the big potty.

Right now it's more of a new toy than anything, he loves to "flush" it and sit on it (clothes on).

(Oh, and pardon the silly outfit...he was fresh up from a nap.)
