And just like we're trying to figure out the best ways to add another kid to our family routines, I am going to have to learn to make this a two-kid blog. It may make for unedited pictures and less commentary just so I can get something up, but hopefully I'll keep up. And speaking of two kids, ours are amazing...
Julian is so sweet with his little sister and loves to kiss and hug her, push her in her swing as he says "whee!" (although then it resembles a Cedar Point ride more than an infant swing), help change her diapers by bringing us what we need and throwing away the dirty ones, and pet her like a little puppy. He loves to say her name and will walk around saying it all day long. He tells us to "shh" if she's sleeping (typically followed moments later by an ear-piercing scream of his own), tell her "bless you" when she sneezes, and sees things that remind him of her all over the place (car seat = "Evie?", paci = "Evie?", you get the idea).
He has really been such a great big brother and hasn't shown any jealousy at all. He is gentle as long as he's paying attention, but he has no concept of where his limbs are flailing at any given time, so poor Ev's gotten a couple close calls with elbows and knees.
Evelyn is growing like a little weed and was up to 7 lbs 10 oz at her two week weigh-in. She's starting to fill out and her tiny little diapers are even starting to fit. She eats all the time and nighttime hasn't been too bad. One night she actually slept for 6 hours in a row! It was magical and has not happened since. She (like her brother before her) would prefer to sleep in our bed right next to Daddy or me and that's when we get the most sleep.
As all mothers do, I of course think Evie's a child prodigy. She really is amazing the way she lifts and holds her head up so much and seems to reach for things already. She creeps along like she wants to crawl when she's on her belly and has threatened to roll over a couple times too! But my favorite is to watch her smile in her sleep. That girl must have happy dreams because she's always breaking out in these adorable huge, toothless grins when she's napping.
And now, for the pictures...
There are a bunch of pictures from Evie's Birth Day. There are so many (and I weeded out hundreds already!) that I'll just post the link to the album instead of uploading them here.
And just because a post feels weird without at least a couple pictures...

And just because a post feels weird without at least a couple pictures...