Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Summer Vacation

Mitch was presenting at a conference in Traverse City, so we went a few days early to get in a little vacation. Although all three kids had some sort of malady on and off the whole trip (roseola for J and Ev and an antibiotic reaction for Abe), we still had a great time.

 Right about when we were considering turning around and going home
 He did a lot of sleeping those first two days.
 Celebrating Father's Day
 How Abe toured Traverse City

 In between fevers (with the help of Motrin), she was happy as ever!
 In need of a little instruction here...
 Beautiful sunset over Grand Traverse Bay
The last hour or so before heading home we headed to the beach until it was time to pick Daddy up from his conference. The kids wanted to get in the water so bad, so I let go of my adult reservations about being wet and sandy in the car and said yes. I was so glad I did, they had a blast and it turned out to be one of the most fun parts of the trip!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

5 Months Old

Dude's gettin big. He's eating sweet potatoes and peas, makin all kinds of crazy sounds, laughing all the time, and maybe teething. 
He's so loved and gets kissed about 9,000 times a day. Or "eighty-ten" as Julian would say. 
          Enough with the pics, mother. 

Hard to believe he's coming up on half a year in a couple short weeks!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Blogging: Ain't nobody got time for that!

Well, some people do I guess. I mean, I used to. But since child numero tres made his glorious debut, I just don't. It's fallen to about #87 on the daily priority list, which I never get past 8 or 9 even on my best days.

#1: Keep children alive.
#2: Keep children fed and watered.
#3: Well, let's just say it's all bonus from here.

I wish I could update more often, but free time is very rare. And when I do have some, blogging is in steep competition with sleeping or showering. 

Julian just finished up his soccer season. This was his first time playing soccer and he was amazing. He ran around the field with such joy, I hardly even noticed that he rarely kicked the ball. Or even cared where it was. I think he thought he was on a field-running team. He cracked us up as he ran past the crowd like a horse in dressage, performing as Mitch called it: "The Julian Pass in Review!" (The Thunderbirds move, don'tcha know.)

Oh well, he had fun and did kick the ball a few times by the last few games. He just doesn't have that killer instinct for more competitive sports. He'd be kicking the ball down the field pretty well (even in the right direction!) and a kid from the other team would come up and J would step back and let him have a turn with the ball. So polite. :)

He also ran his first race with the Y's Run Club. They "trained" a couple nights a week for a month before and then got to run in a little mock marathon. It was so cute watching him cross the finish line, I did the embarrassing teary-eyed mom thing.
T-ball is in full swing (pun fully intended, thankyouverymuch) and J and Evie are on the same team. Julian is getting really good at the plate and we can tell he's improved from last year. Evie only wants to bat and has a hard time staying out in the field. She comes over whining that it's too hot, she needs a drink, she wants a snack, she wants to go home, how's Abe doin?, I have to go potty... But sometimes she sticks it out and plays, and boy is it cute.
 Working on the "step & throw"
 Aaand she's done.

Abram is five months now. (Yes, I missed the four month pic, first time out of three kids. It was a good run while it lasted.) I'll try to get his official picture soon and I'm taking him back in for a recheck on his stats on Friday. They thought he was too tall and skinny, so they remeasured and I'm not clear on what he's really got going on. He looks great to me!  He wants table food so bad that I think I'll cave soon. The kids can't wait to help make his food and feed him.
He's been in the pool and on his first vacation. He's moving around a little bit now, mostly rolling side to side with an occasional all-the-way-over.  He's such a cheerful guy and loves to smile and laugh. We've reached the stage where he immediately puts everything into his mouth and loves to gnaw on our fingers. Teeth soon perhaps? All in all, he's growing up too fast, as they always do.
