Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!

It was happy. It was loving, comfy, and fun. It was family and food and drinks and laughter and a little magic. We're so thankful for the warmth and love we are constantly surrounded with. I pray that we bring those things to others wherever we can.

Thanks to our families, for loving our little family. 

Mimi's Christmas
 Someone's a little excited for presents.
 Get in a little closer there, Ev...
 Too close. A little too close.
 Reading the certificate for the night at Kalahari Waterpark
 Starting to sink in...

(Unfortunately, we had to postpone Christmas with the Bjorklunds due to a rampant stomach bug. We're looking forward to celebrating once everyone's back to normal! )

Christmas Morning
 Still a little sleepy
 "Hi Santa. I love you. - Julian, Evie, and Abe"

Grandma & Papa's Christmas


 Santa Evie
 Absorbed in their new Kindle Fires
 Happy with the tissue paper and bows
Another wonderful family Christmas in the books. Now to make it through the next week and a half before vacation without going crazy living with a very excited five-year-old.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

And the children were nestled...

all snug in their beds...

Looking forward to a happy, high-energy, blessed, and meaningful Christmas tomorrow. Thank you Lord for your gifts, at Christmas time and always. My heart is full.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Julian's 5!

We had a great time celebrating our big five year old with a science birthday party. It was so fun thinking up details for this one, and a certain uncle came through big time and was able to "borrow" some super cool, legit lab stuff for us!
Right about this time I was rethinking this cake idea...
Not perfect, but I was happy. Then Mom came in and asked if it was a power plant. Ha!
Bathroom door sign (too much?)

Bubbling potions!
Dr. E. Fowler (who apparently forgot her lab-approved footwear)
Waiting to experiment!
Building molecules
Bubbling "lava lamps"

And finally: "elephant toothpaste"

Big dude bike
Then we got to have one last experiment and play with the leftover dry ice. I think the adults had more fun than the kids with this one.
We are blessed with a happy, energetic, kind-hearted five year old, who is now even more convinced that he wants to be a scientist when he grows up.
