Monday, October 8, 2012

New Favorites

My new favorite from Evie 
At bedtime, after a book, we rock and sing a few songs together. It's usually the same three, in the same order. It is one of the best parts of my day to feel her rest her little head on me and be so content to cuddle quietly. Recently though, she has started singing along with me. It probably goes without saying, but it is adorable. I think she waited until she knew the words before she decided to chime in one night, but now we sing together every night. This might be sappy, but I imagine her baby brother listening and learning the same songs as we all rock together in her room. I'm sure she'll help me sing to him when he gets here in four short months. 
Waiting for her excited!

My new favorite from Julian 
He is loving preschool, going to the Y, and Sunday school. He is particularly into "best friends" now and pretty much any kid whose name he can remember is his new best friend. He's so proud to tell me who all of his friends are and uses this great mock-adult "it's-no-big-deal-but-yeah-it-is" voice that cracks me up. Even better is that any of his female best friends also fall into the category of his "girls." As in..."Oh, Natalie? Yeah, we played today. She's one of my girls."

Honorable Mentions
My girl is saying all her ABC's, counting (to 13!), and wait for it...finally letting me leave her places! That is huge for me. Both kids had a hard time being left anywhere early on and I've never had the heart to do it if they're unhappy. And with both kids I hoped and prayed that they would eventually just get to that stage/age where it would suddenly be OK. And it is...hallelujah! I've joined the Y and the kids love playing at the "Y playground" and I love the quiet time to exercise, shower, and actually do my hair!
 Julian's new favorite? Scavenger hunts!
And leave it to Daddy to solve the downspout trouble. For those not on Facebook, Julian has been taking the downspout off the house in the backyard to use it as a slide for balls and rocks. And although I appreciate the innovation, it doesn't make for the safest toy. 
So the next time Daddy was at Lowes, he picked up a couple pieces of plastic drainage pipe, attached them to the playhouse and viola! The kids get such a kick out of dropping stuff down them.

We had a fun birthday party for our big four-year-old this weekend. Pictures to come...


  1. I got verklempt thinking of Evie cuddling before bed with you. I love that so much about her. She's such a contented, happy girl.
    Love the pic of J up a tree! So fun to see a new post! Thank you.

  2. It appears to me that this web site doesnt load up on a Motorola Droid. Are other folks getting the exact same issue? I enjoy this blog and dont want to have to skip it whenever Im away from my computer.

  3. Hmm, Anon. I think my husband uses a Droid without any trouble. But I went in and enabled the mobile version...maybe that will help??


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