Thursday, April 28, 2011

8 Months Old

Happy Eight Months Evie Girl! (For the record, I started writing this post around the 5th and it is just now getting published. Oh well, it's still April.)

Poor baby is teething something fierce; she is constantly drooling, chewing, and fussing lately. She still manages plenty of smiles and happiness in between the teething misery though. We just really want those two little bottom chompers to come through already.

**Update: They are just through. Can't really see them yet, but we can feel them! And boy are they sharp...kitty now has fangs to match her claws.**

Testing out her new pearly whites on a pizza crust. She loved it.

She's getting closer to crawling every day and can get up on all fours for a few seconds before plopping back down on her belly. She scoots and rolls her way around pretty well now and can usually get to whatever she wants (eventually).
**Another update: She's getting around great -- just backwards.**

And just yesterday (or earlier this month), something clicked and she's a sitting pro! She used to only tripod and tip over all the time, but she's got the hang of it now. I was starting to think she was going to crawl before she was steady on her booty.
Big girl using her sippy

And finally, my favorite new trick is when we ask "How big is Evie?" and she raises her arms way up high in the air. It is so stinkin' cute. Unfortunately, no pics of this yet. But these one are pretty cute anyway...
And now only a week until her 9 month-day!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

Julian has been saying some of the funniest/cutest things lately. He's getting better with actual sentences and is constantly repeating everything he hears around him. (Keeps us on our toes for sure.)

  • The other day, we were riding in the car and as J squinted out the window he exclaimed, "Wow! Shiny day!"

  • We were eating tacos for dinner one night and Julian looks at Mitch and says oh-so-seriously: " tacos on your face."

  • On a long car drive to Grand Rapids today, it got very quiet in the backseat. Then we hear Julian say quietly to himself, "Evie lookin' very sleepy. Evie so, soo sleepy."

  • We have a ton of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episodes DVR'd since it's Julian's favorite show. Needless to say, he's seen all the episodes several times each. We were watching one the other morning when Donald got stuck. Julian pipes up and says to the tv, "Don't worry Donald. Daisy get you out." She did.

And speaking of talking, (pun fully intended) my girl now says "Mama"! I love it. I can even ask her to say it and she (usually) will. It is so stinkin' cute. She makes this funny face to purse her little lips up to make her "mmm" noise and then blasts off with a bunch in a row. "Mmmmamamamamama!"

I will get video of this...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh yeah, okay!

The title of this post is just one example of the little conversations my funny guy has with himself. He particularly likes to promise himself all kinds of fun activities...

"Junan go bowlin' with Cam? Yeah, okay!"

"Go Kamazoo? Oh! Yeah! Sure!"

"Junun go swimmin Poppa's pool now? Yeahkay!"

"Go Halloween party? Go Junan! Oh sure!" (Just heard this one as I was typing this.)

Anyway, Julian did get to go bowlin'. We took him last Sunday and snagged Cam on the way so Amanda and Kyle could get things unpacked in their new house.

The boys had lots of fun carrying the heavy ball, pushing it down the lane (and down the ramp after they kept getting the ball stuck halfway), and cheering for each other ("Go, Cam, go!").

(Pardon the blurriness, I didn't use my flash. This pic was after I had taken about 20 shots of the boys. With my flash...during a tournament. I didn't even think about it until the owner came running down to our lane saying "Ma'am! Ma'am!!" Oops. Yeah, those people were not very happy with me...)
In other news, Evie has outgrown her little cosleeper in our bedroom. But neither Daddy or I were ready for her to move out -- we love having her in there. So we turned her crib into a cosleeper so she could continue her nightly pajama parties with us! It's so cute to see her in her big crib.
Who snores louder?

Evie's newest development is that she has gotten to that oh-so-adorable face-ripping stage. She loves to grab onto our faces, dig her little kitty claws in, and try to pull the skin off to show her love and affection. It's so cute. And so painful. But did I mention she's cute?
