Sunday, February 24, 2013

Did I mention I had a baby?

Our sweet baby boy is finally here.
Abram Donald Fowler was born at 6:18pm on January 31st. He was 7 lbs. 6 ounces and 20 inches long with a head full of dark hair.
 We are all in love.

Holding Baby Brother for the First Time
The kids are adjusting well and can't get enough of baby Abe. They want to hug him and kiss him and hold him and touch his tiny toes and his little nose and see his cute bellybutton and, and, and...
Julian has been thinking up all the things he's going to teach Abe and places he'll show him for the first time. Evie loves to snuggle her face right next to his and squeal "He's sooooooo cutiepie!!"
Evie's painted as Minnie Mouse. Abe looks a little scared.
After every single nap or if they haven't seen Abram for an hour or so, both kids always ask if he's grown up yet. "Is he big now?" "Does he talk now?" And surprisingly, when I tell them no, he's still as tiny as when they last saw him, they seem relieved. It's almost like they understand how precious this brand-new baby time really is.
Mitch was doing skin-to-skin time with Abram so the big kids had to get in on the action too. 

Our little guy fits in perfectly and is a very happy baby. Unless he's poopy or hungry, he's cool. And speaking of which, I guess I forgot how much newborns sleep. And EAT. I keep finding myself surprised when he's hungry already or sleeping again.
It took a little over a week for him to get back up to his birth weight, but he's starting to fill out more every day. He's just starting to fit into the newborn stuff that has been a bit too big and his signature family chipmunk cheeks are starting to emerge. (Though his legs are still hilariously chicken-like.)
Mitch has had all this time off work, thank God. The kids are happy and welcomed "baby brudder" with open arms, but their adjustment period has just consisted of constant. excitement. all. the. time. They've been at Level 10 Jazzed all day, every day since he's come home. I'm glad no one's jealous or acting out, but dear Lord they are absolutely exhausting. I'm going to get a run for my money tomorrow when Daddy heads back to work.

Seriously. Pray for me.
 I find myself enjoying the newborn stage more than ever. Must be with each kid, you realize more and more how precious and fleeting it really is. Abe and I have been nestled in together for the last three weeks, either nursing, napping, or cozied up and cuddling together. It's been hard to even put him down.
First Bath (Trying to eat my hand)
Thinkin' he looks a lot like Daddy

I'm just soaking it all in and remembering how fast this time really goes. The lack of sleep, the constant demands, all the intensity of the first couple of months doesn't seem as overwhelming when I remind myself how quickly the time of squishy, tiny newborns really does fly.
