We are currently going through a scared phase. And a Mommy phase. And an I-can-do-it-myself phase.
Gotta love this age.
During the day he alternates between "Julian do it self" and "help, help, HELP!" about every three seconds. He would prefer to try one bite of everything in the kitchen before settling on a lunch choice. (And when he doesn't want the bite, clawing it off his tongue, choking out "no wike it" and giving me the hairy eyeball like I tried to poison him.)
He got snow in his face while sledding with Mimi. So now when he's going outside, the first thing he says is "snowface...don't cry!" He wants the door left open when he goes to bed and needs frequent hugs and cuddles from Mommy and Daddy before he can fall asleep. He's "cared" of lots of things lately, including (but certainly not limited to): any kind of small appliance that makes too much noise, the shower, the car wash, one of his puzzles that makes too loud of a noise... (You get the idea.)
Speaking of not wiking something, I'll tell you what I no wike: the flu. Good Lord, we had it bad. It lasted about 10 days and it was a doozy. Poor J Bug had it the worst and was just so sick. Then Daddy and I got in on the action and by Wednesday we were completely helpless. Thank God for Mom. She took the whole day off and took care of us all...I don't know what we would have done without her help. Then, as the three of us were starting to feel a little better, poor Evie got it. That right there is the epitome of pathetic. If you've never seen a five month old baby dry heave...trust me when I say it is absolutely heartbreaking.
But thankfully, we are all in good health again. Being sick just makes feeling normal all the more glorious. And even if our normal right now is sort of whiny and afraid -- he's still the funniest, sweetest, most precious little boy.
Besides, it's all part of our baby growing up; I wouldn't change it for the world.
Oh, and PS: I spoke too soon. Julian is sick again with scarlet fever and an added bonus of hand, foot, and mouth. No wike it.