Evie Girl's an official crawler now and getting everywhere she wants to go. Which is usually wherever her brother is. It cracks me up and makes my day when I see them playing together. I came out of the kitchen after I heard them both laughing like crazy in the living room to find Julian rolling Evie over like a log across the room. She loved it.
Which is not to say he's always gentle. Sometimes he pushes her over and says "timber!" He thinks this is high hilarity. Evie does not.
His sentences are growing and he immediately repeats everything he hears. He says funny things like: "P.U.! Momma, do you smell that 'tinky 'kunk?" (stinky skunk) or the other night at Grandma and Papa's house, their dog Bailey was barking and Julian bellows at her "SHUSH Bailey! And I mean it!!"
He's become quite the negotiator as well. I've always told him how many more minutes or whatever before we're going to change activities. He does better when he knows it's coming. But now, I give him a two minute warning and he'll say, "Maybe 5 more minutes, Mama. OK? OK." At the park yesterday, Aunt Amanda told him that Mama was ready to go and he had to leave. Without missing a beat he tells her: "Nope Manda. I still have 3 more minutes."
Just this morning, he and Evie were sitting together and she kept holding her bottle upside down. It warmed my heart to hear him teach her a little lesson on manners: "No thank you, Evie. Don't pour milk on brother...that's not nice. Just drink it, here you go. Good girl."
I caught this a little late -- they were playing peek-a-boo with each other and laughing their fool heads off.
Oh, and Daddy's off work now. Summer vacation here we come! Lovin' life here...