She's two. My funny, sweet, feisty, smiley, stubborn girl is officially a two-year-old.
She loves playing in water, being outside, trying on other people's shoes, and taking off all her clothes.
She's got a soft spot for babies, animals, and anyone holding food of any sort.
Her favorites include: Minnie Mouse, her play kitchen, play-doh, and painting.
Doing her best "Church Lady" impression
She refuses to hold hands when she's walking, but then begs to be held
close when she's spooked or sleepy. She thinks the words "tootie tots"
make for the funniest joke ever told, every single time. She's such a
big girl in so many ways, talking like crazy, learning her colors and
numbers, going down the slide by herself; but on the flip side, we still
can't leave her alone in Sunday school and her binkies probably aren't going
anywhere anytime soon.
New birthday play-doh!
Special birthday boat drinks
Little lady in her new heels from Grandma and Papa
That whole "lady" thing never lasts long...
We had a fun day together, celebrating our big girl. Evie's only requests were doughnuts and cake "with ice cream on it." (My little health nut.) Well, we covered those and added in the zoo and some presents too.
Getting her face painted as a "rainbow kitty" -- she quit halfway through.
I tried recounting the story of her birth to her the night before her birthday. I was getting all emotional and teary-eyed, remembering that magical night. She was less than impressed and started crying. She was way too tired and just wanted to snuggle without having to listen to such a boring story.
Well that night was anything but boring and I only remember how happy and in love I was the moment I first held her. And she's brought us all so much more joy in her little two years than she knows.
My girl, my little Evelyn Kaye.