Pardon the jankety sign, too much sunshine.
Abram is two months old. It kinda just flew by and I didn't even realize until a stranger asked me how old he was. "Oh, um... (mental calculations) ...eight weeks! Yeah, I guess he's two months now."
(Yeah, he is 11 weeks now. Why yes, I did start this post three weeks ago.)
Huh. Well, you should know Abe, it's not because I care less now. It's because by the time we've gotten to baby number three, there's just a lot more enjoying our kids, and a little less counting weeks and watching for milestones. Well that and there's a lot more to do, with a lot less sleep. That's probably another contributing factor.
Spring is only officially here (it's snowing) and things are settling down a bit as we fall back into a routine at home. It can still be a bit of a circus some days, but I just know that warm weather will be here soon. Getting outside is going to make a world of difference for us! We had a wonderful Easter with our families and the Bunny was good to all three kids. They are professional egg-hunters now.
Our Abram is smiling all the time and starting to talk back to us. He watches us intently and reminds me of Evie in the way he loves to just lay on the bed with someone's face right in his, chatting and smiling. He has noticed his toys and loves to look at himself in the mirror. Most nights he sleeps like a champ (7 hours last night!) and others he sleeps like a...well, a baby. (Up 5 times the night before.)
That little bird was always Julian's favorite too!
(Julian, 3 months)
He has cheered up considerably from my last report and seems to be sleeping more than ever too. Seems like there's always another growth spurt around the corner making for different behavior every month. He is currently happy to play and talk, will go to sleep on his own when he's tired, is eating a little less frequently, sleeping tons, and trying to talk to us all the time.
J and Evie still think he's the "best baby ever" and "so cutiepie!" The adjustment period has gotten better and we're starting to recognize our own children again. Thank God because I was about to call in an exorcist.
Evie is into dressing up, twirling, and helping with every single thing I do in life. It's cute and oh, so "helpful." She's stuck between wanting to be a big girl and a baby and craving her independence and wanting her mommy. She's a hoot and says the funniest things, loves to play with her brothers, and still loves water like a fish. (If it's quiet, look for her in the bathroom, she'll be flooding it.)
Julian went to kindergarten registration this week. I KNOW. I can hardly believe my baby is going to get on a school bus in the fall. He did so well and thought it was so much fun.
He is still very active (often exhaustingly so), wants to do everything on his own (except when it comes to shoes and socks...he just caaaaaaan't...), and is becoming quite the conversationalist. He loves to explain all the things he knows and what he doesn't know, he'd like us to explain in detail to him. And do I mean in detail. He's our little scientist.
Now only about week til I start working on a three-month post. We'll see if I can get it finished in less than three weeks this time. Probably not...