Suffice it to say, I'm a little behind in my blogging. Backlog includes a birthday party, Halloween, and a baby now closer to ten months than nine.
The picture was taken closer to nine months though, so at least that's somewhat accurate.Abram thinks he's a big dude now. As of the last few days, he's basically refusing purees or anything on a spoon. He wants to pick it up and feed himself big kid food. He actually gets angry if he's not eating what we're eating at mealtime. There's no sign of any teeth yet, so he's getting a little ahead of himself.
Unfortunately, this also seems to affect nursing. I finally got him taking some bottles regularly over the last couple of months and it has helped him sleep better at night. But now he prefers to get it fast and easy. I'm a little sad about it, but it's similar to the way (and age) Evie self-weaned, so I'm not surprised. And it is pretty cute how excited he gets about his "baba."
Abe is a happy guy and is usually smiling. Making him laugh is so easy that someone always seems to be getting a giggle out of him. His favorite word is "dada" and it seems to be the word for most things for him. No crawling yet, mostly because the second he's on his belly, he immediately rolls right back over, every time. He's scooting backwards on his back to get around, but I think he's finding that's not very efficient.
He loves to dance and wiggles to anything that sounds remotely like music. He's a singer too and will pipe up anytime anyone else is singing. He sang and danced the whole way to Mimi's in the car with me last night. (Big Mumford fan!)
Can you tell I love the view from my bed?
He's started waving hi and bye and gives great big kisses. No more swaddles and he'll be outgrowing 12 month clothes soon. Somehow I can sense he's coming up on a lot more "growing up" in the near future. You can just see him picking up on things, his little mind trying to wrap around how to do and say all the cool stuff his big brother and sister are doing.
Now bring on the turkey dinner!