It's been more than a year since I last posted. (Nevermind, just found an unfinished draft from this time last year. Posted below.) I've thought about starting up again hundreds of times over the last 15 months and just never seem to have the time, gumption, or words to do it. I'm not positive I do now, but after reading a few old posts (thanks Timehop!), I was sad that I wasn't recording the little things the way I used to.
I forget the little sweet, funny things the kids say and do moments after we laugh about them. I have a file on my phone of things I wanted to note about Abe and it was last edited October of 2014. I couldn't even keep up with that! But because they were important enough to type out once, I will start there and make this first post back an update on him...
Two year old Abe loves to watch birds and squirrels. Likes to find the moon each morning. Sings along to music, particularly showtunes and Mumford and Sons. Says "I want wee!" when he wants to swing, calls cake "keeeeeeek," and calls the school bus "hey bus."

Since then, he's turned two, and is nearly three now. He talks like such a big kid and has been testing out some naughty phrases as well. ("Shut up," "stupid,"'s suuuuuper fun.) He's funny and clever. He will not be ignored and dislikes being alone for very long. He's just about ready to ditch naps (sob!). He loves to make us laugh and can push his big siblings' buttons expertly. He likes to draw and "write letters," thinks being scared is fun (until bedtime), loves to go fast and be chased, dances and sings awesomely, and is still wonderfully snuggly.
This year has brought so much growth for him, but unfortunately, lots of pain as well. He broke four bones this year. First was his arm, climbing out of his crib. Actually wasn't too bad (they called it a "buckle" as opposed to a full break) and he healed up quickly.
Then it was his femur, playing on the floor with Evie. That was brutal.
They were tickling and wrestling on the carpet when she rolled over him and he started crying really hard. I scooped him up and tried to stand him up for a hug. He wouldn't stand. I held him on my lap and tried to soothe him, but he kept screaming and grabbing at his leg. The actual event looked so benign that I thought she must have accidentally pinched him or something. Mostly to placate him, I said "OK, let Mama see your owie..." When I pulled his pants down, his thigh was twice its normal size. I gently ran my hand along his leg and could FEEL the break.
After a few "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD"s, I went into survival mode. Laid Abe, howling, on the bed as I got dressed and instructed Evie to do the same. She came back in a backwards Christmas dress and mismatched shoes, ready to go.
In hindsight, I probably should have called an ambulance. I didn't know how bad it was. After excruciatingly long wait times and some x-rays, they sent him to Kalamazoo. I rode in the ambulance there with him, and he fell asleep on the way. In the morning, they put him in a bulky (nearly full-body) cast and we ended up staying another night to manage his pain.
For seven long weeks, he couldn't move. We kept him entertained and tried to keep his cast dry and not gross. (Not easy, considering he blew the thing up with diarrhea about two days in.) He didn't fit in his car seat, so we rarely left the house. We watched
The Lego Movie approximately 7,000 times. We did eventually get brave enough to go on a few adventures: to the movies and the store and then even to Frankenmuth where he became a bit of a little celebrity in a pub filled with tipsy old folks.
I wasn't convinced his leg was better when they took the cast off, but was so happy to be able to hold him close to me again. We had seven weeks of learning to sit up and walk all over again; things just settling back to normal, before he slipped on a puddle in the bathroom and refractured the same exact spot.
Back to the ER. Back to Kalamazoo. Back into a cast. As you might imagine, CPS wanted to have a chat with us. It was a humiliating and scary add-on for us at the time, but looking past all that, I'm glad there's help for kids who really would need it.
Six weeks in a much better cast, dealing with a much better doctor, and Abram was once again ready to go. This time he walked into the doctor's office like a peg-legged little pirate to get his cast off. He had been walking (ok, running) in it for weeks. Recovery was much easier the second time around. Blood tests revealed his Vitamin D and calcium levels were a bit low, so we've been supplementing ever since.
The last incident was an accident at the park. He was with my mom and had been going down the "bumpy slide" as they call it. At one point, a bump near the bottom of the slide bumped him right off and he landed on his shoulder. He ended up with a hairline fracture in his collarbone. It healed quickly and I'm convinced it wasn't as bad as it might have been if we hadn't been bulking up his vitamins.
We are hoping that's the end of broken bones for Mr. Abe...and not a sign of things to come with this wild child.