However, on our way out of the neighborhood last weekend, we spotted the Holy Grail of garage sale items. We turned around and headed back to find that the heavens had smiled down upon us, and yes, the John Deere Powerwheels Gator was still available.
Mitch is more excited about it than Julian at this point, but J does like it. And there are already several moments I am kicking myself for not getting on camera. For instance, I looked out the window soon after we brought it home and Daddy was pushing the "gas pedal" with a broom handle as Julian rode it around the yard.
Then, Mitch had to fix something on it (?) and had it turned on its side in the grass. As he was kneeling in with his screwdriver, J picked up a wrench and got down next to him to help.
While the Gator was undoubtedly the most exciting purchase (oh, and I forgot to mention it was only $20!) we got a bunch of other cool stuff too.
Oh, and cuddling with it.
And although this has nothing to do with garage sales, I had to get a picture of J's new sleeping style. He loves to cover his head up when he sleeps now and it makes me smile every time. (As you can see, he has already commandeered his baby sister's new blankie for himself.)
And as long as we're totally off the title topic, I'll throw a few more random tidbits in. J is talking so much these days (although we still don't know what most of it means). He loves to say "hi" and "yes" and recently, "doh-dah" has become the word for everything. (If anyone has the translation for that, we'd be much obliged.) Most of the other words or phrases we've heard only get said once -- so you'd better catch 'em the first time. They include: "God bless you," "truck," "please," and "Oh boy!"
And speaking of trucks, the kid has a new love affair with them. As well as semis, tractors, and other loud things in general. He only has a couple toy trucks here at home and we never made a big deal of of them, but one day as we drove down I94, I kept hearing his little curious noise (eh?) over and over from the backseat.
I looked back to see him pointing at every single semi we passed, pointing and asking "eh?" Now he just waves and makes an amazed face every time we see one. Firetrucks, school buses, and motorcycles are favorites too. And he loved the thunder during the loud storm we had yesterday. He'd hear the big boom and say "oh!" in amazement every time.
And the final new toy -- the tree swing Grandpa Jeff installed for us! J loves it and it never fails to make him crack up for a few minutes and then make him immediately sleepy.
I'm so jealous of a Gator for only 20.00 bucks... great find !!!