Luckily though, I have about 4 outings worth of pictures still to share...maybe that will tide us over until we have pictures of the new baby to post! (Wishful thinking on my part.)
One of our latest trips was to Mooville with Amanda and Camden. It's a farm that sells milk and ice cream and has a cute little petting zoo full of farm animals. The boys had a fun time together as always.
The chickens and sheep were a hit too, while the dirty pig and goats hardly got any love.
After petting all the animals and playing on the jungle gym for awhile (oh and washing their hands thoroughly), the boys had lunch followed by some Mooville ice cream. Mmm!
As it turns out, ice cream is a great training tool for manners....and J has really gotten good with "please" and "thank you" (please = "peassssss" and thank you = "ck-ck").
Unfortunately he's gotten a lot pf practice with "sorry" as well. He gets too excited when playing sometimes and ends up biting, scratching, or hitting us. But as soon as he looks at you all squinty-eyed and wrinkle-nosed and says "sah-wee" -- it's pretty hard to stay mad at him. :)
Love it! Its amazing how they learn so quickly from each other... Cam now says "saw wee" and it sounds identical to J! :)