Last night we went over to Great-Grandpa's house to see everyone and then went around his neighborhood. J did a good job going up to the doors and saying trick-or-treat (and thank you!) and even got to see a big fire truck and get candy from the fireman. I think his favorite part was the walk -- he keeps asking to go for a walk today. It's probably going to take a little explaining that we can't go up to houses and ask for candy anymore.
Julian has really gotten into all the "pooky" (spooky) stuff. That is his new favorite word and we drive around after dark looking for "pooky houses" like we're looking at Christmas lights. Once I found out how much he liked all the decorations, we had to run out and get some at the last minute. Let's just say that there's a red-eyed, battery-powered plastic bat that flies around over our dinner table now. I think we're sufficiently spooky here.
And although not really Halloween related, I have to brag on my little boy a bit. He is talking so much now and making 3 and 4 word sentences. (ie: "More pooky house please!") I am always trying to keep up with him when he's talking to me because he seems to gain new words every second. Yesterday in the car home from church, he pointed to a pond and said "lake" and was showing me "cowds" in the sky. We've never even taught him those, so I don't even know where he got them. This is such a fun age.
Evelyn is as smiley as ever and such a sweetie. We all love to play little games to make her bust out in that irresistible, eye-squinting grin. And I can't tell you how many times a day Mitch or I will stop the other one and say "Aww, look at her..." because she's smiling in her sleep, or curling up like a little shrimp in her bassinet, or she's cooing and smiling at our ridiculous attempts at baby humor, or she's gazing lovingly at her big brother...or any other moment of adorableness that we don't want to miss.
And yes, J may be experiencing the growing pains of being two (temper tantrums, screaming fits, general toddler frustrations) and Evie might prefer to be held 24/7 and have some major meltdowns over tummy aches....but our kids are just so awesome. They make us so happy and we are having so much fun being their parents.
(And for the record, we got some bath drops that turn the water different colors. We don't have swamp water coming out of our faucets.)