I cannot believe how fast time flies once you have kids. Everyone warns you that it will, but I never quite got it until they got here. This two year old is gaining new words every second, repeating everything he hears like a little parrot, learning to be a gentle, sweet big brother, and making our lives fun and happy.
Some cute tidbits:
The other day, he walked in from outside, saw me and said "Hi honey!"
He tells himself no when he knows he can't have or do something he is thinking about. The funny part is, he says it just like I do: "nope, nope, nope".
His favorite words of the month have been "Deej" (usually said "Deej...truck" or "Deej...hug"), "appo" (he loves apples), and "chock mook" (he had his first taste of chocolate milk and is a big fan).
He is learning letters now and loves to point at each letter in a book and hear what it is. He knows S, M, O, and I.
His new favorite game is "What can go down the laundry chute?" So far the answers are: an apple, a sippy cup, a shampoo bottle, a granola bar, and clean, folded laundry. I've started putting him in the bathroom with a huge hamper of dirty clothes and he will put one piece at a time down until he's through the whole basket.
His birthday party was a huge success and we all had a great time. Not only did we celebrate Julian turning two, but we also got to celebrate a Spartan victory! Thanks to everyone who came and helped make his day special. He got lots of great gifts and had fun playing with Drew and Camden.
Since today is his actual birthday, we'll do something fun when Daddy gets home. J already got to have some birthday cake after lunch (okay, for lunch) and spent some time playing with Grammy and Uncle Tyler this morning. Then we went for a long walk, stopping to look at whatever interesting rock or leaf J found at every other step.
In fact...I hear the Birthday Boy waking up from his nap now...oh, and imagine that, he's asking for chock mook...
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