Evie Girl is still growing like a weed. She's reaching out to touch us and her toys and has discovered her hands and how to get them into her mouth. She's such a talker and will smile and chat with you as long as you'd like. She's very social and would prefer someone in her face most of the day. I told Mitch that I think she's going to be more like him -- outgoing and chatty -- while I think J is more like me -- more reserved and a little shy sometimes. It's amazing to see how different two kids can be.
Julian is still collecting new words every day and I love hearing what he has to say! He has recently discovered Toy Story 3 and is now obsessed with Woody and Buzz. When we leave the house he asks "Woody come too?" His other favorites of the moment include painting and using "tamps" (stamps), making collages, and playing catch.
He cracks me up all day long with his new phrases and is becoming more and more loving with Evelyn. He likes to help burp her by patting her back and sometimes he'll just come pet her head or talk to her in a baby voice. He gives us hugs for no reason, says "I love you" out of the blue, and has started telling us "good job" and calling Mitch and I "honey".
That's not to say we don't have our fair share of tantrums, time outs, and screaming. He is two, after all. But the tantrums are usually short-lived and he can be talked down and reasoned with fairly easily; he always gives hugs after a time out, and the screaming...well, it's getting better. :)
Love these kids.
Great pictures Emily! You have beautiful children and have created a very beautiful tribute to them through this blog! Thank you so much for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSue Lindauer