Poor little Julian hasn't gotten much ink on my blog lately, what with baby sister turning one, learning to walk, and Momma's limited picture-taking and blog writing time.
But let me assure you, he is more "more" than ever. Unlike Alice in Wonderland: He has not lost his "muchness". He is very much.

He is more loving than ever. My favorite is when he just runs up to me out of the blue to hug my leg and say "I love you Mommy." He is patient and sweet with his little sister (most of the time). We went through a short phase of him being too rough and kind of mean to her, so we're relieved that's over (for now). I love it when I hear him talking to her in the other room and saying things like: "Oh no honey, be careful," or "Here Evie, I'll show you how."

He is more active than ever. He loves to run, jump, somersault, dance, and roughhouse. Get him around cousin Cam and the two of them are like a couple of wild monkeys.

A rare quiet moment
His vocabulary is astounding and he says the funniest things. He likes to ask what all the places are as we pass by in the car so he can point them all out the next time. One that Daddy told him the other day was the car wash by our house "J.D.'s Car Wash". We drove by the next day and Julian says, "Look Momma. There's the GD car wash!"

We are currently in the throes of WHY. I've heard about this stage, but I had no idea the extent of it. I'm not exaggerating, I bet Julian asks why at least 50 times a day. They're these long strings of why-answer-why-answer-why-answer. And it really makes you think about what you know and believe (or don't know).

As exhausting as it can be, he honestly does want to know the answer every time and he remembers what we tell him. It's like extreme learning for toddlers.

Speaking of learning, this kid is smart. He can count to 20, knows his address, city, and state, knows all his colors in Spanish, and is starting to ask which letters spell which words and how to spell this or that. He can read most of his favorite books by memory and he knows them so well, I can't believe he's not reading the words off the page.
But none of that is any substitute for the School of Why. I've started trying to get Why High Scores or Best Time Records. It's pretty satisfying to give the answer that finally ends a Why Marathon.
Well, my very much two year old very much needs some quiet time now. Time to run...
Can't stop smiling! Just love our little guy!