Julian is almost a three-year-old. It's true what they say, time flies when you're having fun. This boy has been nothing short of the most fun I've ever had in my life. (And his little sister too!)

He amazes me on a daily basis with his kindness, empathy, curiosity, intelligence, and sense of humor. He is such a good little person.

He loves technology, music, and learning. To round that out, he also loves potty humor, Elmo, and rough housing. (In fact, he loves a good "toot" noise so much, that's how we got almost every single smile out of him in this photo shoot.)

That, and the promise of getting to push the buttons that brought the backgrounds down.

He has an insatiable sweet tooth and would eat pancakes covered in syrup for every meal if we let him. Unfortunately, sugar affects him immediately and powerfully. He gets completely nuts as soon as the sugar kicks in. (It's pretty funny actually.)

He still likes to feed us lines of what he wants us to say. "Julian, what's wrong?" or "Julian, you sure like skeletons, don't you?" and then waits quietly until someone repeats it so he can answer. He has us trained pretty well.

Speaking of liking skeletons (You didn't think I made that up, did you?) -- he is so interested in them. At first it was a Halloween thing...last year he loved "spooky" stuff. But it's moved past a simple holiday affection and turned into a full-blown obsession. He watches
The Junior Animated Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology on my phone all the time. It's this British guy explaining how all the different body systems work. There's no animation, no cartoon characters, no music. Just an anatomy lecture...and he loves it.

Other favorites include dance parties, baking, playing baseball (he can actually hit the ball now), painting, and swinging on his new swingset Grandpa built him. He still loves to read, take walks pulling Evie in the wagon, and play in the bathtub.

He is really interested in spelling lately. I took the kids out on a coffee run the other day and as we pull in, I heard from the backseat: "C...o...f...f...e...e...What's that spell, Momma?" He is constantly asking "What's that spell?" and pointing out different words. (Of course, the English major in me
loves this.)
My soon-to-be three-year-old is simply put, a joy. We'll be celebrating him this weekend with a party custom made for him -- a fiesta based on his favorite book with his favorite food. He is so loved and I am so lucky he's mine.
Amazing, you guys !!
ReplyDeleteHe is truly Julian Wonderful! I'm so blessed he's mine too.